
This Short Animation Will Make You Quit Your Job

If you've ever quit your job, you probably followed the correct processes and left in a quiet and dignified manner, in line with the advice "don't burn bridges" - which is always the best idea! There are so many examples of job-quitting scenes in movies where Hollywood manages to dramatise people leaving their jobs, often with comedic effect. However, even within these dramatic movie scenes, there are some valuable lessons to be learned - here are some of our favourites!

1. Jerry Maguire

In one of the least humble and most erratic exit scene, Jerry Maguire causes a huge scene and declares that he practically built the company, before dramatically scooping the fish out of their tank and asking who wants to come with him. This leads him to start his own management firm with single mother Dorothy Boyd who is the only person from the office who leaves with him, and they end up falling in love.

What do we learn?

Although Jerry Maguire is actually let go and doesn't exactly quit his job, we can still learn a lot from this scene and the movie in general. Sometimes one job might not work out the way you thought it would, but it can open up new opportunities that change your career path in a positive way. And sometimes it's worth taking risks! It might be scary to leave a job without knowing the outcome, but sometimes taking the plunge and following your instincts can work out for the best.

2. The Devil Wears Prada

Andy Sach's job-quitting scene in The Devil Wears Prada is possibly one of the most uplifting scenes out there! We follow her story at Runway magazine - not fitting in, overworking herself, and changing her personality for a job she's not suited to. Undervalued and unhappy, she walks away from her uber-successful and powerful boss, throws her non-stop mobile into a fountain in Paris, and doesn't look back.

What do we learn?

Sometimes, it can be easier to stay in a job that isn't right for you just because it seems like the best option, and the only way to get where you want to be. And it can undoubtedly be nerve-wracking to finally admit that you need a change of working environment. However, you often find that once you take the leap and leave a job that makes you unhappy, it can be the best thing for you! It gives you a chance to be yourself and follow your dream career. And as it works out, her boss gives her a glowing recommendation to every publisher in New York City - so maybe even the worst bosses aren't all bad in the end...

3. Office Space

There's a lot of job dissatisfaction in Office Space,and working as a waitress in a restaurant that expects too much of her and constantly tells her she should have more 'flair', Joanna finally has enough. She flips and fully expresses herself, and the scene concludes with her telling her jobsworth boss that 'I hate this job and I don't need it!' - that's a bold way to quit!

What do we learn?

It's clear that Joanna doesn't really follow the advice "don't burn bridges" - but this is Hollywood right?! It's not the best idea to stick your middle finger up to your boss and storm out (even though sometimes you might want to!) but sometimes even the best of us can react on the spot when you're that dissatified with your job. Although this isn't how you should leave your career-focused job in the real world, it's good to recognise your self-worth, stick up for yourself and leave a bad working culture.

4. The Wolf of Wall Street

"You show me a pay stub for $72,000 and I'll quit my job right now and come work for you." The Wolf of Wall Street is a film revolving around money, and Director Martin Scorsese really gets it right when Donnie Azoff first meets Wall Street stockbroker Jordan Belfort and wants him to prove to him how much he makes a month. In this funny scene Donnie rings his boss and quits on the spot, joining the crazy world of corporate greed and corruption against the backdrop of New York's stock exchange in the 1980s.

What do we learn?

As far as career lessons go, there's very few valuable lessons to be learnt from the pair in this film. Although admittedly they are rich and successful, they don't end up coming out on top, and their whole journey is a downward spiral into a life of corruption. Aside from the fact that a job shouldn't just be about the money but about what you want from your career and your future, quitting your job and agreeing to work for a complete stranger you've just met is never going to be a great idea - no matter the figure on their pay stub!

5. Bridget Jones's Diary

Not only does Bridget Jones find out that her boyfriend is cheating on her - but her boyfriend is also her boss! In this empowering scene, she quits her mindless job for an amazing role she's always wanted working in television. Plus, she does it in front of the whole office, completely humiliating her ex-boyfriend - a win win situation.

What do we learn?

Again, in the real world the chances are you wouldn't find yourself in a situation quite like Bridget Jones, but then she wouldn't be one of Britain's most loved rom-com characters. But if we take a leaf out of her book, we can learn that it's never good to settle. If you are in a job where you feel underappreciated or are treated badly, you can be sure that there is a better role out there. There are plenty of routes to follow (even if they might stray slightly from your current career path) but it's good to widen your experience, figure out what type of company and position suits you best, and then you'll end up in a job that suits your career aspirations and lifestyle perfectly.

For more information about how Pro-Recruitment can help you with leaving your current job and finding your ideal role, contact us on 020 7269 6333.



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This Short Animation Will Make You Quit Your Job


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