
Best Way to Download Music From Youtube

Ripping songs from YouTube videos is a adequately common practice, and the need for making the process easier has inspired the production of countless websites and software.

But not every service can exist considered safe or even completely trustworthy. In fact, some of these services may infect your computer with malware or produce poor-quality sound files. When downloading music from YouTube, yous'll demand to get-go make sure that the websites or apps you use for doing so won't hurt your device. That said, for this guide our squad has found ii methods to make the process safer and easier.

We exercise need to issue this warning commencement: Ripping audio from YouTube is a breach of the streaming video site's terms of use, which could get you into trouble. There are ways to enjoy music from YouTube without violating its terms of use, such every bit via Google'southward YouTube Music service — and then we do recommend that you consider trying legitimate options outset.

It'south also of import to know that some of the YouTube-ripping sites out there may contain malware and/or employ coin-making practices like cryptomining. While nosotros do our all-time to recommend safe services that don't engage in such activities, if you notice that your arrangement is running hotter or harder than usual during visits to these sites, you should make sure that you don't stay on them for longer than necessary. And if you choose to download software for ripping audio, exist sure to have your chosen antivirus service scan the software for threats before installing or using information technology.

Desktop method: 4K YouTube to MP3

While you may non want to download another app, using an installed video-converter app tends to exist safer and more reliable when it comes to ripping audio from YouTube videos. Fact is, about YouTube-ripping sites — even ones that seem safe at first — may eventually fall victim to hackers and malware, and so it may exist best to use dedicated software on your desktop for your audio-ripping needs. That said, fifty-fifty when you download software, you should always exercise caution before installing it by making sure to scan it with your trusted antivirus software (if you don't have one, yous can cheque out our list of the all-time free antivirus software).

But downloading and installing a new app doesn't have to be a struggle. In fact, the 4K YouTube to MP3 app features a hurting-free installation and user-friendliness that rivals nearly online YouTube converter services. It'south likewise available for multiple operating systems, including Windows, MacOS (x.thirteen and subsequently), and Ubuntu. 4K YouTube to MP3 too is free to download and use. Yous also tin upgrade to a premium version that includes features like unlimited audio tracks per playlist and no ads. Simply the gratis version should be enough for most people.

Pace 1: Download and install 4K YouTube to MP3.

4k youtube to mp3 download app webpage screenshot

Stride ii: Navigate to the 4K YouTube to MP3 website, and under the 4K YouTube to MP3 header, click on the blueish Download push that corresponds to your estimator'due south operating system.

copy YouTube URL screenshot

Stride 3: Once the installer downloads, run it and follow the onscreen prompts to install 4K YouTube to MP3.

Footstep iv: Copy your chosen YouTube video's URL.

Stride 5: Navigate to the YouTube video with audio you desire to rip.

Step 6: Highlight the URL from your browser's address bar, and copy it to your clipboard. You also can right-click on the video itself and cull Re-create Video URL from the menu that pops up.

Footstep vii: Paste the video URL into 4K YouTube to MP3.

The best thing about 4K YouTube to MP3 is that you don't have to practise much to showtime ripping audio. Once you lot have the video link copied to your clipboard, all you take to do is paste the link into the app by clicking on the bluish Paste Link button in the upper-left corner of the screen.

4k youtube to mp3 step 3 screenshot

Stride 8: Later on that, the app immediately gets to work on ripping the audio. To give yous an idea of how fast the app was at creating the MP3 file, information technology took less than a couple of minutes for information technology to process a 10-minute YouTube video.

Step 9: Once the MP3 file has been created, the app automatically saves it to your PC. To locate the music file, you lot can just mouse over the proper noun of the track displayed in the middle of the app.

4k youtube to mp3 step 4 screenshot

Pace ten: Then a Show in Binder icon will appear. This icon resembles a file folder.

Step 11: Click on it, and you'll be directed to a File Explorer window that displays your new MP3. You at present accept the file in MP3 format for offline listening, background music, or all the same you prefer to consume.

Further reading

  • How to download YouTube videos
  • Best free music download sites
  • Apple Music vs. Spotify

Online alternative: YouTube to MP3

If y'all'd rather not download a dedicated app for your audio-ripping needs, you lot tin still use online services like YouTube to MP3, which is a website that features a complimentary YouTube converter for YouTube videos. Simply we must circumspection you once more: YouTube-ripping online services tend to exist rubber at offset and and then become infected with malware afterwards. Then please brand sure to use your antivirus software to browse these sites and whatever files you download from them. As of April 2021, YouTube to MP3 appears to exist a safety-to-use audio-ripping site, in the sense that our virus scans did not detect any malware or phishing attempts when nosotros tested the site.

With all that said, YouTube to MP3 seems to function similarly to our recommended desktop process. All you need to do is re-create and paste the YouTube URL of the video yous want and sit down back and permit the site do its work. And voila, you've got a beautiful, converted MP3 audio file. This tool makes the process super simple and doesn't require whatsoever installations. You tin can even upload your converted MP3 to Dropbox rather than saving directly to your reckoner.

Note: In one case you download your MP3s to your reckoner, YouTube to MP3 might get-go bombarding you with pop-up advertisements. Don't worry, we've tested the website, and our antivirus software did non bespeak annihilation concerning. YouTube to MP3 even so seems like an innocent, secure site, only it's always a good idea to be conscientious when working with these kinds of sites. We highly recommend running a quick virus browse immediately after using this site or any other similar website.

Also, during your kickoff conversion process and even after information technology's complete, y'all'll see another pop-upwards advertisement announced. This ad talks about some other downloadable software and looks a lot like a user agreement. Once again, no need to fret. The ad does not appear to be dangerous, and you can easily remove it from your screen past clicking on the blackness X icon on the right. You don't have to have the terms on this fake user agreement advertisement to convert or download your video file. Just hitting the Ten and get rid of the ad.

We besides suggest reading our user-friendly guide on how to download YouTube videos if you want to view them offline without connecting to the net. Alternatively, you tin bank check out additional YouTube to MP3 downloaders here.

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